Let’s Work!

📲File your taxes. Create your tax file today 💻 electronically by scheduling your Uptown Discovery Group tax call for this season.

Schedule Me Now

Alexis M. is available to answer all of your inquiries this season. 

To book a tax chat

Book It Here

Fill out the contact form below if:

You’d like a review of your current life insurance policy, a new policy quote, to invest or roll over your current investments into a better financial instrument, or information on becoming your own bank.

 You’re looking for a professional community of like minds

You’re keeping your business options open for new opportunities to add an additional stream of income

You find joy in helping others

Let’s chat about it at our next business opportunity meet up in Plano, TX or your customized ZOOM meet up via ZOOM.


Interested in consolidating your debt to reduce monthly payments & interest rates?

Yes, Click Here